Bank Number: IRCC PPU 068. Subject to the terms of an agreement or arrangement, select information may be shared with foreign governments and immigration authorities in order to conduct a lawful investigation or administer or enforce laws. For enquiries, contact us. Thereafter, the application is destroyed as non-archival. Personal information is collected pursuant to the February 2016 Cabinet decision regarding the parameters and scope of the IFHP. Select information may be shared with Elections Canada, such as the name, date of birth, sex, residential and mailing address, and UCI, (see Elections PPU 037 Voter Registration and Identification) for the purpose of updating the National Register of Electors. Biometric information attached to an individual who has been deemed inadmissible under sections 34 through 37 of the IRPA will be retained until the individual has reached the age of 100. This bank describes information related to individuals who have applied for and/or been issued a Protected Person Status Document. Retention and Disposal Standards: Information relating to immigration loans that have been paid in full is retained for 6 years after the end of the fiscal year in which it was collected. Other information necessary to determine an individual’s ongoing entitlement to passport services. The information is in the form of a master control list, reports, memoranda, correspondence and application forms. The information may be shared to: conduct a lawful investigation, to administer or enforce any law, and/or to administer programs (e.g., enforce provisions in the Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking relating to provincial social assistance programs). TBS Registration: 005188 The information in this bank may be matched with that in IRB PPU 105 (Immigration Appeal Board Records) and IRB PPU 110 (Immigration Appeal Division Records) to administer and conduct the appeals process under IRPA. power of attorney, legal representative for incapable individuals, or a third party that acts on behalf of a guarantor), and passport photo service providers. Purpose: The personal information described in this bank is used to administer the Settlement Program. As of December 17, 2012, protected persons can present the following documents as proof of their status: a decision letter (Notice of Decision) from the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) or, a Verification of Status document from IRCC. This may include: Resettlement Assistance Program service information; information pertaining to assistance delivered at a port of entry; information about accommodation services provided; orientation services information; needs assessment services information; and information relating to service linkages. Select information may be shared for the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation or for law enforcement purposes with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) (see CSIS PPU 005, Security Assessments/Advice); the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (see RCMP PPU 005, Operational Case Records). Knoema, an Eldridge business, is the most comprehensive source of global decision-making data in the world. Personal information collected from individuals who apply for permanent residency will vary by individual and according to the economic class under which the individual applies. This information is collected in accordance with the Government of Canada’s Directive on Social Insurance Number for purposes of verification of compliance with the tax filing requirements and assessment of the residence/physical presence requirement. These records are incomplete prior to 1918. TBS Registration: 20090816 Related Record Number: CIC AOB 005 TBS Registration: 001986 Retention and Disposal Standards: Information related to settlement services stored in the Immigration-Contribution Accountability Reporting Environment System (iCARE) may be retained for up to 21 years and then destroyed as non-archival. Sentencing for the woman charged in connection to forgery committed at a Penticton Indian Band owned business started on Wednesday afternoon, revealing just under $80,000 was stolen from the company. Confirmation of Canadian citizenship status may also be provided to the spouses, children and other relatives of naturalized Canadian citizens in order to assist them in acquiring benefits. Once the retention has been met, information is destroyed. Personal information is collected pursuant to the IRPA and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR); the Immigration Act (1976) and the Immigration Regulations (1978). TBS Registration: 005154 The program also holds information about individuals who act as guarantors, emergency contacts, personal references, individuals who submit an application on behalf of an applicant (e.g. This information may include the following: Under the program, information may also be collected about third parties, including: the name and address of a bond depositor, the sum deposited, terms and conditions imposed, the name of person signing a bond, the names of persons bonded, the name and address of the custodian of a minor child seeking to enter Canada for study purposes, the name and address of the educational institution at which the student is enrolled in Canada, and an acknowledgement of program terms and conditions. IRCC derives its authority for settlement programs from paragraph 3(1)(e) of the IRPA. Select information may be shared with Canadian Border Service Agency to provide IFHP coverage to eligible clients, pursuant to subsection 4.3 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations. All information collected may be used to determine whether there are grounds to refuse to issue a certificate of identity or refugee travel document, to cancel or revoke a valid certificate of identity or refugee travel document, and/or to impose a period of refusal of travel document services.In exercising these authorities, personal information may be shared with Public Safety Canada so that the Minister of Public Safety may exercise his refusal, cancellation and revocation authorities. COVID-19 : Comment le Groupe de la Banque mondiale aide-t-il les pays à faire face à la pandémie ? This bank describes information related to individuals who apply for a study permit for the purposes of study in Canada. This bank describes personal information collected, used, disclosed and retained in relation to the destining and arrival of Government Assisted Refugees and the submission of sponsorship undertakings for Privately Sponsored Refugees. Select information on individuals deceased for more than 20 years may be disclosed for genealogical research purposes. DA Number: 2018/008 Information related to individuals approved for permanent residency may be retained for up to 65 years. Select personal information in this bank may be used internally by IRCC for program management purposes, and for purposes of program research, planning and evaluation. Relevant information about family members included in the application; Military, police, and government service records (if applicable); Intended occupation or work opportunities in Canada, including offers of employment and Labour Market Impact Assessments (where issued); Special needs requiring accommodation in the application process; Previous applications for Canadian citizenship; Physical attributes (e.g., height and eye colour); Marital status and family information, including the education history of minor children; Citizenship in foreign countries, including copies of biographical pages of issued passports; Dates when the applicant resided/was physically present in Canada; Biographical information (e.g., work and education history); Results and responses to the citizenship knowledge test; Attestation with respect to prohibitions; Name and contact information of individual, firm or organization who assisted in the completion of the application (e.g., consultant’s information); Social insurance numbers (SIN), Temporary Tax Number, or Individual Tax Number; Attestation of an applicant’s intention to reside in Canada; Calculation of physical presence in Canada; Information related to the conduct of a citizenship representative; and. Description: Under the International Mobility Program, eligible foreign nationals can be issued a temporary work permit without obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment. As a result of that transfer, this personal information bank was transferred from the former Passport Canada to IRCC. In support of passport program delivery, information may be disclosed between the three departments, (insert reference to ESDC Passport Program PIB once registration completed by TBS) as described in the GAC institution specific personal information bank Consular Affairs-Assistance to Canadians, GAC PPU 010. DA Number: 2018/008 In 2019, contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) for Canada was 6.5 %. All personal information collected is subject to verification and to security queries to authenticate identity, eligibility and entitlement. Information may also be transferred and stored on microfilm. To access permanent residence data for landing years 1919 through 1935, additional information may be required, such as the country of birth, port of entry, vessel type (if applicable). Purpose: The personal information described in this bank serves as the official record of loans issued and repaid for refugees. L'agence Statistics Canada publie le chiffre du PIB tous les mois, environ 60 jours après la fin du mois. recommendations for tourism statistics, Tourism statistics represent a useful tool to support … Citizenship, status in Canada, and/or information about previous refugee claims and/or removal activity; Military, police, and government service information; Biographical information (e.g., work/travel/education history and family and living arrangement information); Information related to the eligibility assessment for sponsorship; Other information, as contained in documents supporting an individual’s application made under the family class or under other relevant categories; and. It may also be used for the administration of income support and financial contributions. Notes: The information described in this bank is stored electronically in the Global Case Management System (GCMS). Retention and Disposal Standards: Personal information described in this bank may be retained for up to 6 years in electronic form. Description: The Resettlement Assistance Program provides immediate and essential services and income support to recently arrived eligible refugees (primarily government-assisted refugees). World and regional statistics, national data, maps and rankings, Discover new signals and insights from leading alternative and fundamental data providers, Latest releases of new datasets and data updates from different sources around the world. Integrate your data with the world’s data in a personalized and collaborative environment, purpose-built to support your organizational objectives. They were placed on your computer when you launched this website. Bank Number: IRCC PPU 054. IRCC may also use this personal information with computer analytics to support research, statistics, program and policy evaluation, internal audit, compliance, risk management, strategy development and reporting. Information is provided and updated by Press Information Bureau “A” wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi – 110001, Phone: 23389338. Personal information may be shared with law enforcement and security agencies to determine if there are grounds for passport refusal, cancellation or revocation. Class of Individuals: The information described in this bank pertains primarily to individuals who have received transportation, admissibility or assistance loans. Business, retail and tourism experts say the new coronavirus has begun to hurt businesses in Canada but its full effects will be evident in the coming months. Canada - 1.8%; 5. Esta tasa es 202 décimas mayor que la del segundo trimestre de 2020, que fue del -11,3%. Consistent Uses: Information described in this bank will only be used for the purposes for which it was first collected, or for a use consistent with that purpose. Individuals seeking access to historical records must provide a correct name and date of citizenship or naturalization, along with the applicant’s place of birth. Notes: Historically IRCC (formerly Passport Canada) collected the social insurance number (SIN) when the SIN was provided by an applicant in support of his or her identity. Information previously described in bank PPU 048, Immigration Program Accounts Receivable (TBS Registration: 005214) are now described in the present bank. The information may also be shared with Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), the department of Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and Health Canada (HC) in relation to immigration issues. power of attorney, legal representative for incapable individuals, or a third party that acts on behalf of a guarantor), and passport photo service providers. DA Number: 2018/008 You will not receive a reply. Data matching occurs to ensure that information about the applicant, as provided by the employer, matches the identity information provided by the applicant at the time he or she submits a work permit application. The information may also be used internally for research and statistical purposes, for program policy and evaluation, and for internal audit, compliance, risk management, strategy development and reporting. Discretionary provisions of IRPA enable the Minister to address exceptional circumstances not anticipated in the legislation. Retention and Disposal Standards: Information related to applications for temporary residence as a temporary foreign worker are retained for up to 6 years after the last administrative action. Tourism is growing fast worldwide, and faster Europe. Biometric information is stored by the RCMP on behalf of IRCC and retained for 15 years from the time of the most recent biometric collection. Confirmation of Canadian citizenship status may be provided to The Chancellery in support of nominations to the Order of Canada. The information may also be used internally for research and statistical purposes, for program policy and evaluation, and for internal audit. DA Number: 2018/008 As part of health admissibility screening, the Branch collects and creates personal information about panel members, including: Class of Individuals: Information described in this bank relates to physicians and radiologists selected by IRCC and designated as panel members. Bank Number: IRCC PPU 010. These responsibilities include management of the panel members (which includes panel physicians and panel radiologists) who perform immigration medical examinations (IMEs) in Canada and abroad. Once the retention has been met, information is destroyed.