The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg welcomes EuroVelo 5 for a 107-km stretch, following the national network of dedicated cycle paths from the Belgian border, through to the stunning cliff-top capital city and towards the French and German borders at Schengen, the symbolic centre of Europe and home to the European museum. Medium 48,5 km In the Meuse valley, the path follows a gentle incline for about 10 km alongside the charming Fonds de Leffe nature reserve between steep rocky hillsides. Cycling in Luxembourg is a pleasant experience due to the country's high quality touristic infrastructure, quiet traffic, cycle paths and a splendid nature. Section 10 - From Bastogne to Martelange - EuroVelo 5 - EuroVelo Belgium Over the course of about 15 kilometers this PC will lead you, on a mostly descending former railway track, towards Noerdange where it joins the PC12 de l'Attert. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg welcomes EuroVelo 5 for a 107-km stretch, following the national network of dedicated cycle paths from the Belgian border, through to the stunning cliff-top capital city and towards the French and German borders at Schengen, the symbolic centre of Europe and home to the European museum. Thousands of kilometres of cycle routes in the palm of your hand – what are you waiting for? Download the app, get on your bike and start exploring. EuroVelo 5. After crossing the town of Ellange from northwest to southeast you will reach the PC7 Jangli which should be cycled through the vineyards all the way down to Remich. This website uses cookies to improve your experience and to provide personalized content. La partie Est longe pour sa part le canal de la Sarre puis celui de la Marne au Rhin avant de rejoindre Strasbourg puis la … Ici vous trouverez une description plus détailée du tracé de l'EuroVelo 5 ainsi que des liens vers les informations et sites ayant de l'importance. EuroVelo, the European cycle route network, is a project managed by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF). Cette association sans but lucratif qui a pour objectif la promotion du vélo, surveille aussi le développement du réseau EuroVelo au Luxembourg. Coming from France or Luxembourg, biking along EuroVelo 5 in Belgium is easy, fun and accessible for all, including families with young children and seniors. L’itinéraire EuroVelo 5 vous emmène à la découverte des multiples richesses du patrimoine naturel, architectural, culturel et brassicole de la Belgique. Le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg accueille l'EuroVelo 5 avec un tronçon de 107 km qui suit le réseau national de pistes cyclables depuis la frontière belge, passant par la magnifique capitale perchée en haut des falaises, jusqu'aux frontières françaises et allemandes à Schengen, centre symbolique de l'Europe qui abrite le musée européen. On the first part of the journey, the route continuously follows the cycling paths (PCs for 'pistes cyclables') of the national cycle network until the borders of Luxembourg city, which is crossed on the local cycle network, while the second part of the Journey towards Schengen consists currently of a mix of sections following the PCs and sections leading over the road network. From there, the EuroVelo 5 will take you through the picturesque villages of the Pajottenland, renowned for its local beers, which have a fruity taste. It incorporates existing and planned national and regional cycle routes into a single European network. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg welcomes the EuroVelo 5 for a 107 km stretch which follows a network of dedicated cycle paths from the Belgian border, through the stunning cliff-top capital city, towards the French and German borders at Schengen, symbolic center of Europe and home to the European museum. Different means of transport enable everyone to travel easily inside Luxembourg. Brussels is a unique destination, full of magnificent architecture, culture and history. L’itinéraire traverse le Nord de la France et après une incursion en Belgique, Luxembourg et Allemagne, elle fait son entrée en Moselle et en Alsace. The EV5 is named the Via Romea Francigena after the ancient … Arriving from France and heading back towards Luxembourg, or vice versa, the EuroVelo 5, also known as the Via Romea Francigena, crosses all three Belgian regions (Wallonia, Flanders and the Brussels-Capital region) over about 400 km, and is divided into 10 sections. Lors de la seconde étape de l'EuroVelo 5, vous pédalez entre deux capitales de l'Union Europeenne: Bruxelles et Strasbourg. After Martelange, the EuroVelo 5 continues towards Redange and Luxembourg city on the cycling route network of the Grand Duchy. Just as the previous cycle path, this one also follows an old railway track for most of its length. In our online shop you will find a wide selection of all issues of our “LuxembourgCard”, giving you free admission to over 60 tourist attractions. By train, car or plane: numerous possibilities to get to Luxembourg. (More info).If you proceed to navigate our website, you accept our use of cookies. In the second stage of EuroVelo 5 you cycle between two of the capitals of the EU: Brussels and Strasbourg. L-1432 Luxembourg, T. +352 42 82 82 1 EuroVelo 5 enters Luxembourg in the border Town of Rombach-Martelange from where it follows the PC18 des Ardoisières that connects the area with the PC17 de l'Ouest in Koetschette. A not-for-profit organization which aims to promote cycling and which is overseeing the development of the EuroVelo network in Luxembourg. On this page you will find a more in-depth description of the EuroVelo 5 route in Luxembourg with links to all relevant websites and information. 6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry La brasserie fabriquait la célèbre bière de Bruxelles, la gueuze. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg welcomes the EuroVelo 5 for a 107 km stretch which follows the national network of dedicated cycle paths from the Belgian border, through the stunning cliff-top capital city, towards the French and German borders at Schengen, symbolic centre of Europe and home to the European museum. L’EuroVelo 5 (EV 5), également dénommée « Via Romea Francigena », est une véloroute EuroVelo faisant partie d’un programme d’aménagement de voies cyclables à l’échelle européenne. MTB Discovery trip at youth hostel Hollenfels, "Vélotour Gourmand" Guided bike tour with regional products, Guided Mountainbike Tour - Nature Reserve "Ellergronn", Guided mountainbike tour Bettendorf-Reisdorf, Guided mountainbike tour Mullerthal Region à la carte, The Blast Furnace Terrace and its surroundings by bike, The mining district : from the past to the future - by bike. Longue de 3 200 km, elle relie Canterbury en Angleterre à Brindisi en Italie. Waypoints, map images and elevation profiles available. Our official app is free and designed to help you discover the most developed EuroVelo routes. L’EuroVelo 5 entre au Luxembourg dans le village frontalier de Rombach-Martelange d’où elle suivra la PC18 des Ardoisières qui connecte cette région à la PC17 de l'Ouest à Koetschette. The EuroVelo 5 route takes you to explore the wealth of the natural, architectural, cultural and brewing heritage of Belgium. La partie Nord de l’EuroVelo 5 en France, de Calais à Wattrelos, traverse le Bassin Minier (inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco) avant de rejoindre la Belgique. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is well ahead of the game, compared to some. Le quai du Hainaut et l'ancienne brasserie Bellevue constituent une partie agréable de cette zone revalorisée. Over the course of about 15 kilometers this PC will lead you, on a mostly descending former railway track, towards Noerdange where it joins the PC12 de l'Attert. E. Here you will find a brief summary of the most important facts and figures. However, as all of the second part of the Luxembourgian EuroVelo 5 section is overlapping with the Veloroute Saar-Lor-Lux, it can be helpful to look out for the pictograms of that route or the directional signs pointing towards the PC7 Jangli, for better orientation. 00352 4390 3029 To leave the city of Luxembourg and continue the EuroVelo 5 route you have the choice between  driving to the 'Judiciary City' where an elevator is available that can take people and bikes from the plateau, on which the city is built, all the way down to the 'Grund' or to take the panoramic Elevator in the ‘Pescatore’ park with its amazing view over the Pfaffenthal valley and pedal from there to the ‘Grund’. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg at one glance! luxembourg on eurovelo 5 Twenty years old this year, the network of long distance cycle routes that comprise the EuroVelo Network is still a work in progress. On this page you will find a more in-depth description of the EuroVelo 5 route in Luxembourg with links to all relevant websites and information. Tous droits réservés. EuroVelo 5 enters Luxembourg in the border Town of Rombach-Martelange from where it follows the PC18 des Ardoisières that connects the area with the PC17 de l'Ouest in Koetschette. Searching for a great short break? Here you can again reach the PC1, which makes a circle around the whole city center, and follow it south in the direction of Hesperange. EuroVelo 5. It is noteworthy that the 380m peak shown in the height profile of the map (linked below) is actually passed by a tunnel on the PC and does not need to be climbed. Take a look at our special offers to plan your next getaway. After a slightly more hilly section the PC12 will reach a branch-off where you should switch to the PC13 Nicolas Frantz that will continue south for a short distance, before turning to the east to approach Luxembourg city. Arriving from France and heading back towards Luxembourg, or vice versa, the EuroVelo 5, also known as the Via Romea Francigena, crosses all three Belgian regions (Wallonia, Flanders and the Brussels-Capital region) over about 400 km, and is divided into 10 sections. From here on it gets a bit more complicated as the following 6 kilometers are not yet part of the national cycle network and the ensuing PC11 Charly Gaul that can be reached in Hassel is not yet equipped with signposting. Le Grand-Duché du Luxembourg accueille l'EuroVelo 5 pour un tronçon de 107 km qui suit le réseau de pistes cyclables nationales: de la frontière belge, en passant par les magnifiques falaises de la capitale, pour enfin rejoindre les frontières françaises et allemandes à Schengen, centre symbolique de l'Europe et ville du musée européen. There is an app for that! Before continuing your road towards the south-east of Luxembourg it is highly recommended to plan a few day of 'rest' in the capital city in order to fully take advantage of the cultural events and the architectural beauty that this UNESCO world heritage site has to offer. F. +352 42 82 82 38 Arriving from France and heading back towards Luxembourg, or vice versa, the EuroVelo 5, also known as the Via Romea Francigena, crosses all three Belgian regions (Wallonia, Flanders and the Brussels-Capital region) over about 400 km, and is divided into 10 sections. Finally, you can then accomplish the last part of the journey on the Luxembourgian territory on the PC3 des Trois Rivières that is located along the riverbank of the Moselle and follows it until the town of Schengen, a place with historic importance in regard to a more open Europe, located on the south-eastern tip of the country on the border with Germany and France. Arriving from France and heading back towards Luxembourg, or vice versa, the EuroVelo 5, also known as the Via Romea Francigena, crosses all three Belgian regions (Wallonia, Flanders and the Brussels-Capital region) over about 400 km, and is divided into 10 sections. L’EuroVelo 5 – Via Romea Francigena en Belgique: ça en est où ? 11 sept. 2018 Arrivant de France et repartant vers le Luxembourg ou vice-versa, l’EuroVelo 5, également connue sous le nom de Via Romea Francigena, traverse les trois régions belges (la Wallonie, la Flandre et la région bruxelloise) sur près de 400 km et est divisée en 10 sections. In Strassen PC13 ends and connects to PC1 du Centre which should only be followed for a very brief stretch in order to reach the local cycling network that runs throughout the whole capital city. Previous Stage; ... For the Luxembourg national cycle paths (PC), see the map ‘Luxembourg By Cycle’ from the association LVI, the Luxembourg cycling initiative: After a tastign on the Grote Markt in Halle, you will take the direction of the Senne valley, with its special atmosphere, … Buy your LuxembourgCard online! Coming from France or Luxembourg, biking along EuroVelo 5 in Belgium is easy, fun and accessible for all, including families with young children and seniors. Le Grand-Duché du Luxembourg accueille l'EuroVelo 5 pour un tronçon de 107 km qui suit le réseau de pistes cyclables nationales: de la frontière belge, en passant par les magnifiques falaises de la capitale, pour enfin rejoindre les frontières françaises et allemandes à Schengen, centre symbolique de l'Europe et ville du musée européen. Cycle-friendly accommodation offers in Luxembourg. National EuroVelo Coordinator Après avoir quitté Lille, surnommée la « Capitale des Flandres » en France, vous suivez la bucolique voie verte du … The development and operation of the EuroVelo routes is carried out by national, regional and local governments, commercial service providers and NGOs. Having left Lille, known as the ‘capital of Flanders’ in France, you follow the rural greenway along the Roubaix canal to enter Belgium. Curious about Luxembourg? Éislek (Luxembourg's Ardennes) and its Nature Parks, Mullerthal Region, Luxembourg's Little Switzerland. The world of Luxembourgish wines in one day! Cycling in Europe? Free access to more than 60 tourist destinations in Luxembourg. De Dinant à Marche-en-Famenne (stage 6) On the minor roads of the Condroz and the Famenne regions. Arrivant de France et repartant vers le Luxembourg ou vice-versa, l’EuroVelo 5, également connue sous le nom de Via Romea Francigena, traverse les trois régions belges (la Wallonie, la Flandre et la région bruxelloise) sur près de 400 km et est divisée en 10 sections. The EuroVelo 5 will continue its way into the former before returning to France a bit later. La véloroute européenne "EuroVelo 5" célèbre le voyage de l’archevêque de Canterbury de Londres à Rome au 10e siècle, sur près de 4 000 km. EuroVelo 5 (EV5), named the Via Romea Francigena, is a 3,900 km (2,400 mi) long EuroVelo long-distance cycling route running from Canterbury to Rome and ending at the Italian port of Brindisi.The route crosses Europe passing successively through six countries: UK, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, France again, Switzerland and Italy. Find some inspiration and travel tips for your next Luxembourg stay in this blog. Centralized platform for all public transport related information with an integrated trip planner. Overview and detailed maps for all of Luxembourg's national cycle paths. EuroVelo 5, Luxembourg (Bastogne Region, Fauvillers) Show Map On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around EuroVelo 5: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more. EuroVelo routes pass through Belgium - … The Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-Initiativ (LVI) is the National EuroVelo Coordinator (NEC) for Luxembourg and thus responsible for the only EuroVelo route in the country, the EuroVelo 5. Subscribe to our newsletter, it's easy & free... © Luxembourg for Tourism 2020. On the whole EuroVelo route, bike maintenance shops and bike rental shops are referenced for each section. Bruxelles est une destination unique, … Une grande partie du parcours Eurovelo 5 à l'intérieur de Bruxelles passe par le canal. A not-for-profit organization which aims to promote cycling and which is overseeing the development of the EuroVelo network in Luxembourg. The national tourism portal for Luxembourg comprises a large extent of information for (cycling related) tourism in all its aspects. Discover the multifaceted Grand Duchy with our latest brochures. It currently consists of well over 45,000 km of bike paths and thousands of kilometers more are planned. A good place to start looking for more information would be at the national tourism portal and the tourism office of the city of Luxembourg. Currently, Luxembourg has a national network of cycling routes extending over 600 km.