Classification For the classification before Cataclysm, see Zones by level (original).For the original classification after Cataclysm pre-Patch 7.3.5, see Zones by level (Cataclysm). This is useful. Once you arrive at Tiragarde Keep, kill and loot all the humans you find. Fight through it to find. Green text means that it is time to turn in a quest. Whether you do it alone or in a group, kill Mercutio and loot him. . Kill things in the area until you find. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of quests for Hordies in Ashenvale at this patch. Head northeast, hugging the mountain to your left. Here you’ll find. Go up the slope and then head east when you can. Run over there and kill quilboars until Disrupt the Attacks is complete. Now exit the cave and head west to reach the shore. Small correction, when you say: Now you’ll need to take a flight to Zoram’gar Outpost on the other side of Ashenvale. Accept all of the following quests here: Make sure to set your hearthstone to Tarren Mill now. Go inside and find two braziers. Run near some lava and use your, Head to the south side of the mountain. Try to pull Ironhill without any additional dwarves and kill him. Right next to it is a much tougher centaur. At the top there are four guards and. . Keep going until you find Irontree Cavern. I only had to finish 10 zones to reach level 50. Remember to loot your kills and pick up car parts when you see them. Anyway, we’ve changed the end of the guide to help players navigate the last few bars of their xp and it should get the great majority of players to 60. Jump back onto the road and go north to arrive at the Ruins of Jubuwal. Continue going south near a mountain to find the final pool for. I just finished two characters who clocked in 13h 38m (Monk) and 12h 45m (Druid) respectively, exclusively doing questing in Vanilla zones. Follow it until you can see Southshore. Turn in, Run back down and head west to get back to Freewind Post. Return to the road and follow it north. Return northeast of Northridge Lumber Mill and turn in, Return to the road east of you. While you’re swimming, kill nagas you see along the way. Find the hyena named. the guide never says to pickup that quest so when I got there I couldnt loot the clams.. The guide will take you across the best alliance quests in the most efficient way(Broken up into zones), which will allow you to level up quickly. Follow it south and go east at the first opportunity. Cross the bridge, then head northeast to find Shatter Scar Vale. Hey snooker, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Tideress will drop a, Before leaving the lake, make sure to visit the structure on the island to finish Stonetalon Standstill and kill 12 elementals. After reaching level 31, head back to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles. Same thing with Some Assembly Required in STV. Cross the river when you get to it and keep running southeast. Exit the building afterwards. Look for a treant running around and kill it. Look for crates here and loot it to finish Expedition Salvation. and indicate the required expansion. After killing them the escort will be complete. Anyone that did this guide has a /played? Go to the Pools of Vision, which is located underneath Spirit Rise. Run west to get back to The Crossroads. Go back to the road to the west. Just a FYI for level 49, you mention hearthing back to Mojache, but you’ve never said to set the hearth there from gadget. Now use your hearthstone to return to orgrimmar. Kill everything around it to prepare for a fight. Take a flight to Everlook. Do it around 60.35. Once you cross this bridge, run to the west to find another bridge leading to a smaller plateau. You, do it if you have enough crowd control and use cooldowns. Thank you for seeing this and letting us know, so that we could make those corrections. Home / Guides / WoW Classic: 40-50 Horde Leveling Guide. Ride along the road all the way north to Duskwood. We added a line at line 12 in level 49 to clear up that confusion. Kill quilboar in this area until you have killed 12 thornweavers, 12 geomancers, and 6 water seekers. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Keep heading east to reach Fungal Rock. Accept the quest: Now go out the exit to Booty Bay and head east this time. Wait a minute, then accept the two quests: From here head east and kill all the furbolgs you see. Dungeons are excellent sources of loot, but they also usually have quests associated with them to give you boatloads of experience. Run east out of Grom’gol to find the Ruins of Mizjah. Run up to it and enter the house on the left. Continue going until you reach the road. you just acquired. Check underneath it to find. Fight your way to the end of the cave to find, Now fight your way out of the cave and kill any gorillas outside. Now you’ll go east to find the geomancers and defenders. Leave the area by going northwest. Make your way back into The Crossroads and turn in, Now is a great time to sell, repair, and buy any food if you need it. Use the auction house, repair, and sell junk now. Turn in, Now is a good time to repair and use the auction house. Turn in, Run south out of town until you cross the road. Run mostly west and a little to the south to reach the yeti caves again. Burn that too and then return to the lodge entrance. while you’re here, who you did ignore earlier. . Fortunately, there are several great spots in Badlands. For A Sample of Slime, you said collect 10 samples, and 30 for the Un Goro one; went to hand it in and got 0 Felwood samples after 10 tries so might wanna update this to 30 as well. Take a flight to Orgrimmar and head for the Cleft of Shadow. Right where you jumped in the water, dive down to the bottom and look for a chest. Most classes will just die repeatedly. Run to the Cleft of Shadows and accept the quest: Take a flight to Thunder Bluff. Keep killing owlbeasts here until you find a. Lvl 53 warrior with about 7 days played. Make your way to the lumber mill. Kill the Rogue Vale Screechers you find. Go outside and get on the zeppelin for Undercity. Once finished, keep running north until you hit the Stagnant Oasis. Now you can leave by taking a flight to Camp Mojache. Run to the northern part of town and turn in. You’ll also need 60 tusks and 11 shards. Pick up the flight path, then return to Sludge Fen by exiting Orgrimmar the way you came, running south for a few minutes, then running directly west to reach Sludge Fen. If it isn’t there, run east until you see the next mountain pillar. Exit the lake and run southeast to find the Altar of Zul. Follow the path to reach Crystalvein Mine. Kill ogres for Call to Arms here. Look for. Heya, at level 54 part 45 the guide instructs players to pickup the quest Volcanic Activity, which is completed at level 55 Part 11. Run off the path south here to hand in. . However, the preceding quest in the chain and the one we linked in the guide ( is of a lower level and appropriate for leveling at that point. This is just the first of our two-part ultimate WoW Classic Horde leveling guide so make sure to check part 2 to find out how to level from 31 to 60 in the fastest and most efficient way possible! Level 37 – 13. Turn in. Head back towards the road and follow it south into Booty Bay. Enter it and fight your way through the room. Return to the foreman east of the The Den and turn in. Make sure to use the. Continue running until you reach the Raptor Grounds, avoiding any quilboars you see along the way. Take the elevator up and turn in both. Fight your way up the path when you see it to reach Zul’Mashar. Fight your way into the hut to find a control console inside. From here, keep run southeast to reach Sen’jin Village. . Take this time to clear out your bags and repair. Head southeast back along the coast and over the bridge. All fixed now! However, an alliance city, Astranaar, is in the middle of the road so make sure to stay clear of it. Keep following it to the northeast corner of the zone to reach Hammerfall. When ready to go, take a flight to Ratchet. Climb it and fight your way to the cave. Leave Undercity. Go north along the path until you are past The Cauldron, then run west. Once the key is in your possession, start swimming northwest to the island in the distance. Then, leave via the north gate. “Level 10 Blue text means that it is time to accept a new quest. Does anything exist? You do need to find a group, but the hassle is definitely worth it. Find your class trainer and accept the quest they have for you. Kill enemies in Thunder Ridge until you are level 11. When you get through, follow the path leading west and then go south through Blackrock Mountain. . Ignore the tents for now, but start killing centaurs and go towards the trees. Follow it to Fungal Rock and go inside. Combine the meat and mixture, then use the meat to summon, Keep running north along the wall until starts to go north. Go behind the crypt and use the dirt to turn in, Now go north past the road to Marris Stead. 2am-6am grinding this, gave up in the end. Head east to go back to Razor Hill. Keep going along the mountains to find Thorium Point. that you find along the way. Clear out your bags and repair before leaving camp. Continue killing golems to finish The Rise of the Machines. For alliance you can use Judgement’s Alliance Leveling Guide: Run south along the main road until it curves west. If you don’t want to do this, you can spend longer during the grinding session at the end of the level. Look for a ramp leading downwards and follow it to enter Un’Goro Crater. Kill Oasis Snapjaws until you have enough shells to complete Altered Beings. Teleport to Orgrimmar. This will take about half-an-hour if you are diligent about using the pouch on cooldown. Kill the warlocks here and especially their imps. Run east back to the area near Stonemaul Ruins. Eventually you’ll find Roguefeather Den. . They tend to hide around trees and can be targeted with the tab key. Now try and find a partner to help you with The Flame’s Casing. At the section of level 34 point 18 you wrote, that the player should keep killing trolls until hitting level 35 AND getting [Pendant of Myzrael]. Pull and focus one of his adds until they die. He is level 16 and attacks from range with a bow. Thanks for the guide, currently following it and it’s working nicely . Go to the south part of town to find Mankrik for two more quests to accept: . Once you arrive, turn in. Before leaving town, sell to a vendor to clear out your bags. Now run all the way to the south of the flats to find a path leading to another zone. Feel free to swim southwest back to the coast once you have it. Kill and loot, Head north now to reach the houses. Go north from here until you come across a few centaur camps. Click the spirit to release it. Keep killing them until you pick up a. . who spawned where you were previously standing. Go around the Pestilent Scar and go east to Light’s Hope Chapel. Great guide thank you. Sell to clear out your bags and buy some food. Make sure to set your hearthstone to Gadgetzan too. Heya, If this is intended for Blizzards Classic WoW servers then the quest chain starting from level 58 part 23 (An Earnest Proposition) is not available yet and wont be until phase 5. Follow the path and start killing all the nagas. Continue across the bridge and then go down to your left. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. This will consume some Un’Goro Soil and will create an herb pouch. If you aren’t yet level 18, continue killing spiders in the area until you are. . At this point, run just west off the road and look for a kodo named. You should mention that this guide doesn’t work on a PvP server since you explicitly tell people to grind in heavily farmed areas. Stop off when you see a camp of gnomes. Use the. Not a big deal since it’s a short flight from gadget, where the hearth was previously set. Once done, leave Rigger Cove by going north through the cave from earlier. Then run southeast back to the slope leading down. Follow the road northeast and return to Mistvale Valley. Run south out of Stonard and follow the road to Blasted Lands. once again. Run south to find Thunder Axe Fortress. Run through Thunder Ridge, killing everything you see. Make your way to the center and kill everything in the room. Once you’ve killed all the centaurs needed for Pacify the Centaur, run east and follow the mountain to your left. It seems none of the dungeon quests are marked to be turned in, possibly to assist those who can’t or won’t do dungeons for whatever reason. Follow it all the way to Bloodvenom River, then head west to return to Bloodvenom Post. Accept the quests: Go southwest from here to find Deadwood furbolgs. Turn in. Turn in, Make sure to repair, sell junk, and buy food if you need it. Walk with her and defend her as she exits the area. Go further south and kill worms until Carrion Grubbage is done. Then at level 56 part 3 it says to once again pick-up the quest Volcanic Activity, I’m assuming at this point it’s meant to say to turn in the quest. Kill them until Are We There, Yeti? Exit the lake on the west side and keep running straight. This will take you somewhere between 50 and 100 kills depending on your RNG for quest item drops and how much grinding you’ve done. Pick up his head after killing him and go back to Ratchet. Fight your way all the way to the southwest corner of the camp. Run to the top of the plateau and kill the humans there. For level 17 Section 8, is it just me or is it near impossible to get to Splintertree Post as described due to the level 24 Ashenvale Outrunners that pop up out of nowhere along the way? You’ll be ambushed multiple times. Before they die, use the Burning Gem on them when they have less than 20% health. At this point, you’re probably going to want to do a dungeon to pad out your xp and get closer to the next level before continuing. When this happens, Verog the Dervish will appear. Take the right path (southern) and follow it into the city of Stonard. Keep going until you reach Darrowshire. Kill all 30 of your murlocs along this shore. Now start running southeast. Leave the camp and hug the wall of the crater by running east until you see a ramp leading up. Head for a tower to your right. . Learn the flightpath and take a flight to Thunder Bluff. This article is a list of all zones by level for World of Warcraft: Classic.. Run southwest out of town until you find a tower. Instances by level Zones What’s the point of picking up power stones and solution to doom at level 40 if it never tells us to do Uldaman? Go inside and use the stone on the altar. Kill them to finish up The Ogres of Feralas. Head northeast back to the road. Return down the mountain and south and resurrect. Kill the furbolgs in the area until your quest is finished. Kill owlbeasts there to finish Wild Guardians. Open the pouch. At this point, it is actually faster just to die and resurrect at the spirit angel than it is to swim back. . This is a good time to collect your filled vials from earlier. Do you mean to go through Deadwind Pass? Kill Echeyakee and loot his body. Level 40, step 6. Run north from The Den. Run north from here until you see a hut in the distance. Follow the road all the way south to Dun Algaz. Run out of the east side of Duskwood along the road to reach Deadwind Pass. Now leave town and run south all the way to the river. Keep killing bugs in the area until you have a. Enter the cave and follow it until you see water. Now run east to return to Broken Pillar. Try to save long cooldowns and potions for him. Kill satyrs here until Befouled by Satyr is complete. It currently says go NORTH, then EAST to Ratchet. Keep going south after you’re done until you hit the mountains. Run south of the road to find the Undercroft. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. Turn in. Head southwest back to the gnolls. Hand in, Fight your way to the cauldron again. Kill the nagas in the area until you reach level 54. Run east to the graveyard and drink the. Use the flame. (Blasted lands isn’t really a zone you can do on a PvP server). If you’re an orc or troll, this won’t require any extra work from you. From the hoof, accept the quest: in the area until you are finished with Enraged Thunder Lizards. while you’re still here. In the Apothecarium, turn in. Kill and loot. Stay here until War on the Woodpaw is finished. Follow the coast until you reach the nagas. Use your hearthstone to return to Tarren Mill. Stay here and kill darters to collect 10 wings. Head north from Stonard to find a smaller island. Run directly south from the cave to the other side of the zone. While you’re here, look for a scroll on the ground too. Once through, go south to return to Felwood. When you see gorillas on the right, head over there and kill them. Take a flight to Gadgetzan. Stop when you see a quest giver and accept the quests: Now go south and kill any elemental that you see. Kill them until Indurium is finished. Don’t enter town until you have enough raptor eyes. Now go back and kill harpies until you have just a bubble left to reach level 10. Once you kill 9 outrunners, go west until you see a band of orcs. Unfortunately your best choice now is to grind all the way to level 42. Run further south, staying close to the mountain, to reach quilboars. . Kill them for their hearts. Proceed through the room and take another right. World of Warcraft site Wowhead has done the heavy lifting here, working out the average time it takes to reach level 50 through each expansion zone. Leave the camp and run northeast to get back to Splintertree Post. After being teleported, search for a couple of planks to jump from. Jump down to return to The Cauldron. Enter the opening in the mountain.” should probably be “see some centaurs” (or half-humans)! Along the shore do Seeping Corruption. Now use your hearthstone to return to Gadgetzan. Kill gorillas until you get a sinew. These can be started via Distress Beacons (. Dive down to the sunken ships. Run northeast back to the road now. If you’re having trouble with leveling, perhaps you might try running Blackfathom Deeps? Run southwest again to get back to Hillsbrad Fields. Head north to Emerald Sanctuary and turn in, Head north until you reach Jaedenar. The Stagnant Oasis is one of the best places to grind for your level, so you’ll want to kill centaurs and turtles in the area until you reach level 16. Maybe it’s better to take this quest item out of the guide (or rewrite the sentence). Kill six of both enemy types here to complete your quest. waiting on it. Keep killing trolls in the ruins until Skullsplitter Tusks and Split Bone Necklaces are both finished. Do “Indurium”. Go southeast now to the Thalassian Base Camp. Follow the road until you see a field to your south. Once Andre is dead, enter the house on your right. You’ll also find at least one quest for BFD at Sunrock Retreat called. While in town, pick up all of these quests: Leave town and head west to reach Sandsorrow Watch. , also not a guaranteed drop. Continue on the path to enter Andorhal. The guide includes map routes for the best zones filled with herbs. Now go north across the border into Thousand Needles. To do this, run east until you hit a river and then run north until you find a bridge. You can also grind on the wyverns in Highperch. Inside the biggest room of the building, you can find. By Harry Shepherd 04 September 2019. Run around the wall until you find the entrance to the south. Plan your nostalgic journey with this guide… Then run back to Writhing Haunt to your southwest and turn in. Once you pass The Cauldron, start running southeast. Hey ShadowProfit, sorry for the delay in response, but this took some looking into! You’re absolutely correct, this part is somewhat confusing, actually. You can turn them in as you complete them to receive a useful buff to a primary stat. Once finished, head back southeast across the water. Pick up the quest: Learn the flightpath for Shadowprey Village. The guide goes over the best Rogue talent builds and the best Rogue questing zones, to improve your leveling time, available weapon skills for Rogue, best Rogue stat, and more. Turn in. Jez, it was driving me crazy looking for that quest, ty. Go back on the road and follow it to the east. Leave Thunder Bluff by taking a flight to Gadgetzan. Run back to the foreman and pick up the quest: Now run all the way west to the cave guarded by grellkin. Exit the house and run all the way south across the road to find the Ruins of Andorhal. Use your hearthstone to return to Orgrimmar. Turn in A Vengeful Fate at the Western Lift if you didn’t abandon it. Keep going west to find Silverwing Outpost. When you see a path leading out of Badlands, follow it west to reach Searing Gorge. When you get there, accept the quests: Run southeast out of the camp until you find. All the other informations are correct and efficient, nice work! . Once finished, turn in. Purchase these items before each level listed: Our guide begins in The Valley of Trials, Durotar. If you aren’t yet level 47, head west and kill the darters until you are. Search for a clickable map and chart on the ground. Herbalism goes well with Alchemy, you can use the herbs you pick and make potions, but Herbalism is good with any other profession. Accept the quest: Run west all the way back to Flame Crest. Exit the cave and run southeast. Following the guide since level 01. At level 57, part 26. Head northeast until you reach Plaguewood. There are multiple ways to level up in Azeroth, but this guide will make things simple for you. Sell junk, buy food, and repair before leaving town. Do “Arachnophobia”. Go straight east until you arrive at Light’s Hope Chapel. Run northwest back to the goblin and turn in. Run downstairs to pick up a. , who is either on the top floor or in the main room at the bottom of the stairs.